Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Movie Review: The Last Airbender

Below is a Quick Scan Movie Review of The Last AirBender, where you can quickly go to the area of interest that helps you decide if this is a movie you would be interested in viewing.

Don't miss the Movie Hunt Questions at the end of the review which can be used as a family fun game or just to challenge your viewing awareness.  Simply highlight the questions, right click to copy and then paste in your favorite text editor (eg. Notepad, Word).

              Movie Name: The Last AirBender
                   Category: Action / Adventure, Family & Kids
              Time Period: Mystical
                  Main Plot: An Avatar, who is a young boy that must still master the art of
                                   bending water, earth, and fire, has returned after 100 years of
                                   hiding to a world of unbalance due to the conquering Fire Nation.
                                   He must now accept his role and bring balance to all four nations.
                  Sub-Plots: The Avatar must find an emotional balance between what he
                                   wants to be and what the followers are forcing him to be.
                    Director: M. Night Shyamalan
                       Actors: Noah Ringer plays a Young Avatar named Aang
                       Actors: Nicola Peltz plays a Young Water Bender named Katara
                                   Jackson Rathbone plays a Protective Brother named Sokka
                                   Dev Patel plays an Exiled, Fire Bender Prince named Zuko
           Movie Length: 01:43:06
   Best Snack Breaks: Ch06 (00:51:08)
Feelings by Chapter: Ch01 (00:00:00) - Watch-&-Wonder
                                  Ch02 (00:11:45) - Watch-&-Wonder
                                  Ch03 (00:18:06) - Magic-Time, Watch-&-Wonder
                                  Ch04 (00:26:33) - Watch&Wonder, Magic-Time, Yeah-Underdog
                                  Ch05 (00:38:03) - Magic-Time, Didn't-See-That-Coming
                                  Good-Snack-Break-Moment @ 00:51:08
                                  Ch06 (00:51:08) - Watch&Wonder, Magic-Time, Yeah-Underdog
                                  Ch07 (00:59:54) - Watch&Wonder, Hurry-up&Learn, Magic-Time
                                  Ch08 (01:09:01) - Watch&Wonder, Pace-Quickens, Magic-time
                                  Ch09 (01:18:41) - Pace-Quickens, Grab-a-Tissue
                                  Ch10 (01:28:05) - Major-Magic-Time, Hail-the-King, Plot-Thickens
                                  Ch11 (01:34:56) - Like-the-Music, Like-the-Graphics
                      Acting: The acting made me feel each characters personality. I felt there
                                  were times the expressions were a little over-done for the scene.
                                  All and all I liked it.
         Special Effects: Nice balance between special effects and natural scenery.
                       Audio: The sound effects synced well with the special effects and the
                                  music enhanced the mood of the scenes.
        Movie Message: Even a super person has to apply themselves to be great.
   Recommended for: Any person who likes adventure and can separate themselves
                                  long enough from reality to go to worlds you've never imagined. A
                                  good family movie for all ages.
           My Comment: The Art of Bending is not part of my reality; nor have I ever seen
                                  somebody perform it, but when I leave my reality at the menu and
                                  press the play button, this movie makes it possible. This story
                                  intrigued me as the plot developed, luring me to figure out what
                                  was next. I was pulled into the personalities of the different
                                  characters and was moved as their lives changed before me. The
                                  Avatar brings balance to an unbalanced world in interesting ways.
                                  You might experience his power also and have a change in heart.

              Movie Hunt: Which eye does Prince Zuko have scares around it?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch01 (00:08:20))
                                  Who can speak to the spirits?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch02 (00:13:50))
                                  Where are all wars won?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch02 (00:14:20))
                                  Where did the sphere Aang was found in come from?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch03 (00:18:10))
                                  What lands on Aangs shoulder when he returns home?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch03 (00:18:50))
                                  What gets knocked out of the vault of bending tools?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch04 (00:30:35))
                                  What type of bender was the Avatar born as two lifetimes ago?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch04 (00:31:10))
                                  What order does the Aang have to learn his bending skills in?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch04 (00:32:10))
                                  What's in the Hidden Chamber of Statues?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch05 (00:41:10))
                                  Who saves Aang from Commander Zhao's capture?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch05 (00:50:10))
                                  What does Sokka warn Princess Yue about if she decides to visit
                                  his home?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch07 (01:01:10))
                                  Why is Princess Yue's hair white?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch07 (01:01:35))
                                  How do you get your Airbending Tatoos?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch07 (01:06:50))
                                  Per the Dragon what must Aang do to beat the Fire Nation?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch08 (01:12:00))
                                  Who encapsulates Zuko in ice to rescue Aang?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch08 (01:16:20))
                                  What does Aang tell Prince Zuko as he leaves him partially
                                  encapsulated in ice?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch08 (01:17:15))
                                  What do the Ocean and Moon Spirits look like?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch09 (01:18:45))
                                  What happens to Princess Yue's hair when she goes into the
                                  pool of water?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch09 (01:23:25))
                                  How many ships does Aang capsize by bending the ocean?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch10 (01:29:05-01:32:10))
                                  Who's the last person to bow before Aang?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch10 (01:33:30))
                                  What is returning in space in three years?
                                   ( Answer Location: Ch10 (01:34:00))

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